TMCN Announces 2020-2021 Executive Committee
ABILENE, Texas – Texas Midwest Community Network, a regional organization for community and economic development, regional tourism promotion, leadership education, and legislative awareness, announced its 2020-2021 Executive Committee at the 27th Annual Texas Midwest Conference on October 28th. The Executive Committee is representative by the following Network members:
- President: Erin Corbell, City of Brady, Community Development Outreach Manager
- Vice President: Ray Tipton, City of Brownwood Municipal Development District, Executive Director
- Secretary/Treasurer: Darwin Archer, City of Cisco, City Manager
- Immediate Past President: Lauren Bush, City of Seymour, Economic Development Director
Executive Director, Kathy Keane, noted, “The TMCN Board of Directors continue to provide excellent leadership in promoting a regional approach to provide the resources and awareness for our members to achieve economic and community growth. The Board believes firmly that communities working together can encourage leadership, enhance regional communications, address mutual community challenges, develop regional marketing strategies, strengthen regional participation on statewide concerns, and establish ways to work together by combining resources for the betterment of the region.”
About TMCN
TMCN started as a group of community leaders getting together in July of 1993 to brainstorm about strengths, weaknesses, and needs of the area around Abilene. Quickly it grew into a core of committed volunteers who wanted to see something good happen for the region. A mission statement was developed and bylaws were adopted naming the new regional organization Texas Midwest Community Network. On June 14, 1994 a press conference was held at the historic depot building in Abilene to educate media representatives and officially launch the membership drive for TMCN. Today membership consists of 54 communities stretching across 33 counties in West Central Texas.
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