Tap into The Network

The Texas Midwest Community Network (TMCN) provides the resources and awareness for its members to achieve economic and community growth.
Explore the benefits of membership or View Our upcoming events:
Portions of this video were produced by Flight Reach Productions

Explore Our Regional Map

Texas Midwest Community Network (TMCN) is an alliance of 52 communities stretching across 32 counties in West-Central Texas. The region is centrally located in the state of Texas and is the geographic center of the world’s largest free trade zone.


TMCN events and programs are designed to engage community-wide participation to address leadership development, municipal needs, economic sustainability, tourism marketing and development, and legislative issues affecting the community and the region at large.

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Texas Midwest Travel Guide

The Guide is a unique regional publication sponsored by TMCN to attract travelers, visitors, professionals and dollars into this region of Texas. An appealing, useful and handy travel booklet, the Guide is a significant economic development driver for participating communities…

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Enjoy a break from the fast-paced highways and experience unique historical and cultural sites, picturesque landscapes, talented artisans, family-friendly events, and most especially, the people of the Texas Midwest. We’re looking forward to welcoming you!

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