
The mission of Texas Midwest Community Network (TMCN) is to promote a regional approach providing the resources and awareness for its members to achieve economic and community growth.


The purpose and goals of TMCN is to identify, develop, and encourage leadership in the region, enhance regional communications and share information, address mutual community challenges, network on ideas and projects, develop regional marketing strategies, strengthen regional participation on statewide concerns, and establish ways to work together and combine resources for the betterment of the region.

Who We Serve

TMCN consists of regional member communities including any corporations, businesses, or associations who are interested in the development of programs and projects for the advancement of the Texas Midwest region. The region is defined as a core of West Central Texas counties which are contiguous to each other beginning with the founding county of Taylor. Currently community members are located within thirty-three contiguous counties.

Types of members include 1) Community Members represented by an individual appointed by the community to serve as the official local liaison and community delegate, and 2) Partners in the region representing corporations, businesses, associations, or individuals that support TMCN through an annual investment. Abilene and San Angelo serve as Hub Cities and work in partnership with TMCN to leverage their influence and resources to encourage community and economic growth in smaller communities across the region.

TMCN is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of 6 community representatives, 2 hub city representative, 3 at-large business partners and the TMCN Past President. The Board is responsible for selecting the Executive Director, establishing the meeting schedule for the year, and meeting annually to review TMCN goals with a defined Plan of Action for the upcoming year.


TMCN started as a group of community leaders getting together in July of 1993 to brainstorm about strengths, weaknesses, and needs of the area around Abilene. Quickly it grew into a core of committed volunteers who wanted to see something good happen for the region.

The initial gathering, called the Big Country Development Forum, was sponsored by Abilene Reporter News, Abilene Chamber of Commerce and WTU and was attended by representatives from 15 area communities.

A task force of 11 volunteers and 5 advisers then began meeting regularly and established a plan of action to determine if the concept of a regional organization was something others in the region would like to see happen.

In January and February of 1994 area meetings were held in Haskell, Comanche, Breckenridge, Ballinger and Sweetwater. Community leaders were identified in as many communities in the region as possible and invited to attend the meetings and interact about what was needed for the region. The information gathered at the area meetings was reviewed by the task force and a plan was developed to move forward with a regional organization.

Historic T&P Depot in Abilene, TX

In the meantime, Texas Rural Communities, Inc. in Austin offered financial support to cover basic administrative costs. TRC, Inc. is a non-governmental organization committed to assisting rural communities in improving and maintaining the quality of rural life in Texas.

A mission statement was developed and bylaws were adopted naming the new regional organization TEXAS MIDWEST COMMUNITY NETWORK. The original task force turned into a steering committee adding 3 more volunteers from the area meetings.

During May and June additional area meetings were held in Stamford, Colorado City, Brownwood, Bronte and Albany to begin introducing the organization to community representatives. On June 14, 1994 a press conference was held at the historic depot building in Abilene to educate media representatives and officially launch the membership drive for TMCN.

Board of Directors 2024-2025

Executive Committee
Diana Lopez
Diana Lopez, City Manager City of Coleman
cody ellis 2
Vice President
Cody Ellis, Executive Director Tye EDC
Will Dugger
Will Dugger - CFO & Vice President, Jacob & Martin Consulting Engineers
Darwin Archer
Immediate Past President
Darwin Archer, City Manager City of Cisco
LD arms crossed 2022
Executive Director
Lori Dodd - Gorman
Erin Corbell_FNL
City Manager, City of Brady
Erin Corbell
cathy p
Executive Director, Graham Chamber of Commerce
Cathy Partridge
Jackson, Leslie
Tourism, City of Jacksboro
Leslie Jackson
Hank & Virginia
Executive Director, Comanche Chamber of Commerce
Virginia Fleming
Hub City Directors
evan steele
Development Corporation of Abilene
Evan Steele
San Angelo Development Corporation
Economic Development Administrator, City of San Angelo Development Corporation
At-Large Directors
Craig Hunnicutt
Director of Regional Services, Hendrick Health System
Craig Hunnicutt
Executive Vice Chancellor & Chief of Staff, Texas State Technical College
Gail Lawrence