TMCN’s 9th Biennial Lawmakers Luncheon is here and we look forward to you join us for this unique and informative event!
The day offers a great format to network with your peers from across the region and visit with your own elected officials. We will also offer you an opportunity to submit questions to the legislative panel. Come hear about their top take-aways from the 88th Session, what are their thoughts for the 89th Session and an opportunity for you to lend your voice to the discussion. Currently, those who have committed are: Senator Perry and Senator Birdwell, Representative Frank, Rep. Lambert, Rep. Rogers and Rep. Spiller. Rep. Darby’s district director will also be on hand.
There is a limited number of seats in this venue, we encourage early registration.
DATE: Sept 12, 2024
LOCATION: Myrtle Wilks Community Center Cisco
TIME: 11:30 AM – 3:30 PM
COST: $45 Person